Intestinal health check plus

23 in stock


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Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 working days

  • Laboratory examination of a stool sample: microbiological analysis of aerobic and anaerobic pathogens, molds, yeasts and quantitative examination for digestive residues, α-1-antitrypsin, calprotectin, bile acids, pancreatic elastase, secretory IgA, zonulin
  • examined in the ISO-certified Ganzimmun laboratory in Mainz
  • there are no additional costs for the laboratory evaluation



The intestinal health check is carried out from a stool sample in the comfort of your own home and includes a microbiological analysis of aerobic and anaerobic pathogens, molds, yeasts (Candida albicans and Candida spp.), as well as quantitative testing for digestive residues. The following are also analyzed: α-1-antitrypsin , calprotectin, bile acids, pancreatic elastase, secretory IgA and zonulin.


Shipping should take place from Monday to Thursday, not at the weekend or before public holidays.

The results serve as the basis for an individual therapy with pro- or prebiotics to restore a healthy intestinal flora.

The evaluation serves as the basis for an individual therapy, which should only be carried out after consultation with a doctor, therapist or HPUandYou coach.

How does the ordering process work?

After your order, we will send you the desired test package with detailed instructions. You place the stool sample in the container provided and send it in a prepared envelope to our partner laboratory GANZIMMUN Diagnostics GmbH. You will receive the findings after approx. 5-7 working days at no extra cost.

We would like to point out that reimbursement by private health insurance companies is not always guaranteed for this test. Therefore, please check with your health insurance company in advance whether the services will be reimbursed.


Test kit contents

The test set includes:

  • 1 Instructions for sample collection
  • 1 Instructions for requesting findings
  • 1 sample accompanying bill
  • 1 warranty certificate
  • 1 sample vessel incl. Label in shipping container
  • 1 chair catcher
  • 1 envelope

Test instructions

Is your test package complete?

Please first check whether the test package is complete. It should contain:

1 Instructions for sampling
1 Instructions for requesting findings
1 sample accompanying bill
1 warranty certificate
1 sample vessel incl. Label in shipping container
1 chair catcher
1 blue envelope

Shipping should take place from Monday to Thursday, not at the weekend or before public holidays.

Please do not drop the sample in the letterbox in extreme heat or frost, but hand it in at the post office counter.

Test preparation


Taking probiotics can have a significant effect on the intestinal environment. We recommend using the
Discontinue taking probiotic preparations at least one week before carrying out the test.
Furthermore, the test should only be carried out after antibiotic therapy has ended.
become. The waiting time should be at least 2 weeks.

Low-flush toilet:
Remove “deodorant”, rinse, do not mix stool with urine

Washdown toilet:
Use the enclosed “stool catcher” (patient aid for taking the stool sample)
Test execution

1. use the collection spoon from the sample container to take samples from three different places in the stool.
2. fill this into the sample container up to the marked filling level (½ tube).
3. close the jar tightly.
4. label the container with the name and sample date and stick a barcode label from the sample label on the container.
5. place this in the shipping container.
6. place this in the blue envelope together with the completed sample label.

If necessary, store the sample in the refrigerator until shipment, but do not freeze!

Download sample findings


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